This page features publications by and for Catholic clergy to assist them in their lives and ministries. Note that we do not sell these books on our site. Periodically we offer brief commentaries on featured books (see Review below) and links to the booksellers. Where possible, we link to Catholic booksellers to support them in their ministry of nurturing the life of faith through mind and spirit. If you would like to have your book posted on this page, please contact us.

Featured Review

1054 and All That: A Lighthearted History of the Catholic Church

by Karl Keating

From the first to the twenty-first century, here’s all the Catholic history anyone can (or needs to) remember, with loads of laughs along the way.

Your host is Karl Keating, author of more than twenty books, including top works of Catholic apologetics. He takes you on a whirlwind tour of the history of the Catholic Church, from its founding by its Founder up to our own era.

He delights you with short accounts of long events, with explanations of the inexplicable, and with snapshots of the famous and the infamous.

Priest Books

By Cardinal Robert Sarah
By Fr. Ed Broom, OMV
By Cardinal Raymond Burke
By Fr. Ezra Sullivan, OP
By Frs. John Trigilio and Kenneth Brighenti
By Frs. John Trigilio and Kenneth Brighenti
By Frs. John Trigilio and Kenneth Brighenti
By Frs. John Trigilio and Kenneth Brighenti
By Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ
By Fr. William J. Slattery
By Abbot Vonier
By Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR
By Fr. Jacques Philippe
By Cardinal Jean Danielou, SJ