Overview of 2025 Priests’ Conference
By Thomas McKenna, Executive Director, CCC-USA The international conference of the Confraternities of Catholic Clergy from the [...]
Bishop Schneider Issues Profession of Faith
Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ and His Church as the Only Path to God and to [...]
The Role of The Diocesan Curia and The Mission of The Church
By Fr. Peter Stavinskas How can and should clergy and laity collaborate in their respective diocesan offices [...]
List of Anglican Bishops Who Have Converted to Roman Catholicism
This is a list of notable Anglican bishops who converted to the Catholic Church. [Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.] [...]
The Immense Power of Beauty for Conversion
Homily preached by the Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D., at the Church of St. Mark [...]
Five Effects of Sin
By Fr. Ed Broom, OMV Pope Pius XII stated, with respect to the understanding of sin, “The [...]
G. K. Chesterton’s The Five Deaths of the Faith
The Faith is not a survival. It is not as if the Druids had managed somehow to [...]
We Remember Cardinal Pell
George Cardinal Pell (1939-2022) “Don’t spend your life sitting on the fence, keeping your options open, because [...]
Fr. Pavone and “The Spirit of Vatican I”
By Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas For more than half a century, we have been hearing of “the [...]
Pope Benedict XVI – Rest in Peace
By Fr. John Trigilio, President, Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI leaves a legacy only [...]
Fr Pokorsky | The Threat of Damnation Protects the Doctrine of Natural Law
By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky (bio - articles - email) God created us in His image and likeness, and after the Fall, the [...]
Fr. Keyes | Why Anglican Priests Aren’t Catholic
By Fr. Sam Keyes Few ordinary people these days (perhaps in any days) care much about questions [...]
Deacon Lambert | Marshall McLuhan, Arguments, and Evangelization
By Deacon Greg Lambert The philosopher and media theorist Marshall McLuhan. The protagonist, Alvy Singer (Allen), is arguing [...]
Maccabean Lessons about Heroism
Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas On August 1, the Roman Martyrology (but not the General Calendar any longer) [...]
Homily on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
By His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, [...]
Msgr Pope | How Civilizations Rise and Fall in 8 Stages
In last week’s post we examined the stages or persecution. Given the serious damage and debasement we [...]
12 Proposals for Catholic Renewal
By Marcel LeJeune There is a large and growing distrust with institutions in the US. In fact, [...]
Fantastic Homily on the Reality of Hell [Podcast]
By Fr. Anthony Saroki“Strive to enter through the narrow gate.”Homily for 8/21/22 (14 minutes)Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, [...]
Stages of Persecution
By Msgr. Charles Pope With the recent article in The Atlantic linking the Rosary to extremist gun culture we [...]
Purity of Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
By Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Over the [...]
Worrisome Statement on Contraception from Vatican Institute
By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, President of Human Life International The conjugal act by which the couple mutually [...]
“The shedding of our blood if necessary”
By His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke From Catholic Action for Faith & Family On the traditional Feast [...]
Politicians and business leaders who promote abortion are not to receive holy Communion
By Bishop Thomas John Paprocki July 20, 2022 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The following [...]
Over Our Dead Bodies – German cardinal calls for end to celibacy
By LifeSiteNews – Tim Jackson – Feb 3, 2022 MUNICH, Germany (LifeSiteNews) — A senior German cardinal [...]
The Catholic Church Has a Duty to Correct the Powerful on Abortion
By Rev. Brian A. Graebe, S.T.D. A response to Fr. James Martin and others who deflect the preeminent [...]
My Take on the McCarrick Report
By Rev. John Trigilio, PhD, ThD The infamous McCarrick Report has been issued. Sickening to say the [...]
The Nuptial Mystery of Life in Christ
By Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco “The Nuptial Mystery of Life in [...]
Holy Thursday and Our Need for Priestly Fraternity
By Rev. John Trigilio, PhD, ThD Dear Brothers in Christ, On this Holy Thursday, we are reminded [...]