Statement of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Regarding the Recent Declaration Fiducia Supplicans

December 22, 2023

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (USA) wishes to address the recent turmoil over the proper interpretation and application of Fiducia Supplicans from the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith. We unite our concerns with those of our brethren in the British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy as stated in their public announcement. Sinful behavior and disordered inclinations can never be blessed or condoned. Even the appearance of endorsement of any moral evil must be avoided at all cost lest one infer that the one giving the ‘blessing’ is also a formal cooperator in evil, which is always forbidden.

The distinction that individuals can be blessed without approving their lifestyle and moral activity is certainly valid. Inmates in prison are frequently ‘blessed’ but always in the context that Divine assistance is being invoked on the persons themselves, not on their criminal behavior. At the same time, however, great care is warranted lest the façade be made that not only the person but also their actions and beliefs are also receiving an ‘imprimatur’ of sorts. Cohabitating couples (heterosexual or homosexual) if blessed together give the impression that their relationship is acceptable in the eyes of the Church, which it is not. While a cleric can ‘bless’ any human person, he cannot bless immoral or disordered behavior. Loving the sinner does not mean loving the sin. Jesus commanded the woman caught in adultery to “sin no more.”  He did not ‘bless’ her lifestyle but He forgave her sins.

Likewise, as we cannot bless abortions, pornography, marital infidelity, child abuse, terrorism, and all grave evils (like fornication and adultery), we must also avoid conflating immoral things with those who commit them. Prudence requires us to avoid sending the wrong message and. Moral truth is as precious as dogmatic truth. Yes, the Church has not changed her perennial teaching on human sexuality and the sanctity of marriage, but we should neither muddy the waters, either. Admonishing sinners is still a work of mercy and obscuring their moral vision is not; even if it is called a ‘blessing.’

[Downloadable PDF of Statement]

Statements and Press Releases

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Statement Regarding the AUSCP

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy
P.O. Box 910308
San Diego, CA 92191
June 9, 2023

The priests and deacons of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy respectfully request that His Eminence Robert Cardinal McElroy not address the upcoming 2023 assembly of the Association of United States Catholic Priests and that he furthermore asks them not to meet in the Diocese of San Diego on June 12th – 15th.  We make this request as the A.U.S.C.P. continues and consistently advocates and promotes theological dissent as well as sowing seeds of discord among the Catholic clergy and lay faithful (who wish to remain loyal to the Magisterium)

We staunchly defend the official Church teaching that any and all sexual acts (homosexual or heterosexual) outside of marriage are sinful and immoral. Furthermore, we uphold the regulation that the Church cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called “gay culture.” (‘Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders’ issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education; 2005). The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains why, as the homosexual tendencies/orientation/inclination are ‘disordered.’ (CCC #2357)

Rather than modifying and altering Church teaching, especially in sexual ethics, we urge that our brethren in the AUSCP recall their ordination promise to be faithful sons of Holy Mother Church.

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (U.S.A.)

An Open Letter to the Faithful German Clergy

Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA, 9/16/22 – The following statement was issued by Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., on behalf of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in the United States.

We, the members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, have watched with extreme shock and disillusionment as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Germany has gone the way of Martin Luther with their 2019 initiative euphemistically called the “Synodal Way.”

The stealth heretical movement taking shape in one of the world’s oldest Christian lands has done everything in its power to undermine centuries of infallible Catholic teaching on priestly celibacy, the prohibition of women priests, sexual morality, and abortion.

Without need for comment or critique, we state categorically that we reject the malicious and deceptive German movement that seeks to tear apart out beloved Church from the inside. To the contrary, we reaffirm the clear-eyed wisdom of German Cardinal Gerhard Müller who warned that no person, council, movement, or synod is authorized to change Church teaching on essential issues such as these.

“The Church is founded by Christ, cannot be reformed, is unsurpassable; only we can go the way and must go the way of repentance and renewal,” His Eminence stated.

Furthermore, as ordained clergy who have vowed to uphold the truth that Christ handed down to us through the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, we express our full  solidarity with all faithful German deacons, priests, and bishops who also reject the heretical Synodal Way and who courageously stand against the formation of a schismatic church.

To our brother priests, particularly, we wish to extend our strongest pledge of fraternal and spiritual support as they go through their own period of testing reminiscent of the faithful Catholic clergy who were persecuted during the time of Martin Luther’s rebellion.

To the extent that you suffer for your faith, we suffer with you, brethren. To the extent that you are called to a new priestly heroism in this time of testing, we stand by you as a band of brothers, and we support you in your trials.

On the feast of the great bishop-martyrs of the ancient Church, we wish finally to echo the sentiments of St. Cyprian who wrote to Pope Cornelius in exile:

“Let us remember one another, united in mind and heart. Let us pray without ceasing, you for us, we for you; by the love we share we shall thus relieve the strain of these great trials.”

Give on the Memorial of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian, 9/16/22

Your brothers in the priesthood of Jesus Christ,

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, USA

Stop Violating the Human and Civil Rights of the Unborn

SAN DIEGO, August 8, 2022 | The priests and deacons of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy strongly urge President Biden and his administration to halt radical pro-abortion executive orders which facilitate the unjust killing of innocent unborn human beings. In this, we stand in solidarity with our leadership of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, who have recently spoken out on this same urgent concern.

Human embryos are human persons and have been endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights, first and foremost the right to life. The unborn child has its own unique DNA distinct from the mother; hence the argument that the child is just her body is specious since babies (in utero) possess their own bodies and souls from the moment of conception.

Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life”(Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2270).

The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of a civil society and its legislation (#2273).

Just as the 1857 Dred Scott decision of the Supreme Court was eventually overturned, so too the 1973 Roe v Wade decision was reversed in June of 2022. Those who once claimed slaves were not human beings, nor capable of becoming citizens, used the same argument that pro-abortionists use today, i.e., the unborn child is not human and therefore has no civil rights.

The rights of the unborn are not at the discretion of the government. Babies in their mother’s wombs are not property, nor are they extended body parts. They are human beings with human bodies and souls. Providing assistance to the act of abortion is material cooperation and can also be formal cooperation in evil. It is therefore incumbent on those of the civil authorities to protect the defenseless rather than hasten their demise.

Issued by Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., on behalf of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in the United States.

Media Contact:
Phone: (619) 356-3538



Conference Resolutions

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

2008 Conference Resolutions

July 18, 2008

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (CCC) held its 33rd annual convocation in Baltimore, MD from July 14-17, 2008. The Conference approved and issued the following resolutions:

  1. We resolve as priests and deacons of the Catholic Church to reaffirm our unequivocal and complete acceptance and support of the magisterial teachings contained in the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (by Paul VI) as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this prophetic document. Furthermore, we pledge to explain and encourage our faithful to fully know, understand and comply with authentic Christian morality contained in this encyclical, especially on the intrinsic evils of abortion and contraception.
  2. We resolve as pastors and spiritual leaders to aggressively engage our people to defend and protect the sanctity of marriage as a union of one man and one woman. We strongly urge the faithful to exercise their political power as tax paying voters to elect and influence governors and legislators so they will enact state amendments to prevent the alteration, expansion or redefinition of marriage.
  3. We resolve to express our profound gratitude to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for his first pastoral visit to the United States this past April and for his pastoral care of the lower clergy. We appreciate his words of support for priests and deacons as he spoke to the bishops of our nation. The CCC also thanks the Pontiff for his visit to Australia for World Youth Day since his love and concern for young people is a model for all pastors.
  4. We resolve to follow the lead and continue the work begun by the Holy Father in his efforts to reintroduce more of the sacred into divine worship. The Pope teaches us by example in the gestures, materials, and manner in which he celebrates the Holy Mass.
  5. We resolve to urge and exhort our bishops to give us an accurate and eloquent translation of the Roman Missal as soon as possible. Reverent worship of God, which edifies and nourishes the faithful, demands sacred language and sacred ritual (words & gestures). Therefore, we ask for a translation that is not patronizing to the intelligence of our people but instead inspires them to aspire to seek and embrace holiness.
  6. We resolve to support every bishop who courageously defends the sanctity and integrity of the Holy Eucharist by denying Communion to notorious and unrepentant politicians who are openly supportive of abortion and/or euthanasia. We applaud those shepherds who make every effort to persuade and dialogue with these politicians in hopes of converting their minds and hearts to be completely Pro-Life. We also acknowledge that those whose obstinate hardness of heart prevent them from abandoning their allegiance to the so-called “pro-choice” defense of abortion make themselves ineligible to receive Holy Communion.

Unanimously approved 7/17/08

Rev. John Trigilio, Jr (President)

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

2004 Conference Resolutions

July 15, 2004

The following resolutions were approved by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at their July 12-15, 2004 convocation in Chicago at the Best Western Chicago West:

    1. We commend and support all bishops who courageously insist that Catholic politicians and Catholic voters cannot profane the Holy Eucharist by endorsing, promoting or approving of abortion, euthanasia, or same-sex ‘marriages’ and at the same time receive Holy Communion. In keeping with the recent encyclical of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, and his proclamation of 2005 as the ‘Year of the Holy Eucharist’, we urge our bishops to heed the advice of Cardinals Ratzinger, Arinze and Dulles to inform Catholics (politicians and voters) of their duty to be “in communion” with Church teaching before ‘receiving’ Communion, e.g., to accept the teachings on the sanctity of human life and on the sanctity of marriage, et al.
    2. We support all legislation which defends the right to life of all the unborn; that outlaws abortion; and laws which would protect the family and the institution and tradition of marriage as a sacred and permanent union of a man and a woman. Marriage is the fundamental building block of society and religion. Since God is the author of life, of the family and of marriage, no government and no court can redefine and reinvent what the Creator has made.
    3. We condemn the secular media’s attack on the Church’s right, freedom and duty to preach the Christian Gospel by using false arguments of separation of Church and State, erroneous claims of irrelevancy or other anti-religious prejudice. We urge all fellow believers to take seriously their personal responsibility before God to vote in accord with the Ten Commandments, the Natural Moral Law and the teachings of Christ.
    4. We reaffirm our denunciation of all forms of child abuse and seek the punishment of all perpetrators of such heinous sins. We also support adequate and appropriate levels of justice by victims and condemn the injustice inflicted on those falsely accused and the denial of due process.
    5. We extend our prayers and support for all the brave men and women of our military and to their families especially during the ongoing war on terrorism all over the world. We commend to the mercy of God all innocent victims of violence, war and terrorism and pray for all the dead and wounded from any conflict or attack.

Unanimously approved 7/15/04

Rev. John Trigilio, Jr (President)

Other Contributions