Sanctitas. Fidelitas. Fraternitas.

Our History

Founded in 1975, the Confraternity seeks to implement the call of Vatican II (Presbyterorum Ordinis #8, Code of Canon Law #278, Pastores Dabo Vobis #81, and the Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests #29) for ongoing intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation of the local clergy.

Our Mission

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is an association of more than 500 Roman Catholic Priests and Deacons pledged to the pursuit of personal holiness, loyalty to the Roman Pontiff, commitment to theological study and strict adherence to the authentic teachings of the Magisterium.

The Confraternity achieves this in three ways:

  1. a) Annual Convocation where theological scholars and experts give lectures and hold discussions with members;
  2. b) Quinquennial international conferences in Rome with CCC’s from Australia, UK, Ireland and USA;
  3. c) Local chapter meetings where afternoons of recollection take place, including time for theological reading/discussion, common prayer (Vespers), Eucharistic Holy Hour, Rosary, confessions and time for fraternity.

We endorse pro-life efforts, such as Priests For Life and Human Life International, in their apostolates to defend and protect the most innocent and most vulnerable of our society, the unborn, and the terminally ill.

Our Affiliates

Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

National Chairman: Rev. Fr. Gregory Pritchard

ACCC Secretariat
PO Box 8004, North Road LPO

Mobile: 0409 148 917

British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy
British Province of Pope St Gregory the Great

Director: Fr. Richard Whinder
27 Nightingale Square
London  SW12 8QJ


Irish Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (ICCC)

Fr. Gerard Deighan, Chairman

Our Founder

Rev. Robert J. Levis, PhD

Our Mother

Prayer to Our Lady Mother of Priests

O Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ and Mother of priests, accept this title which we bestow on you to celebrate your motherhood and to contemplate with you the Priesthood of your Son and of your sons, O Holy Mother of God.

Mother of Christ, to the Messiah-Priest you gave a body of flesh through the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of the poor and the contrite of heart, guard priests in your heart and in the Church, O Mother of the Savior.

O Mother of Faith, you accompanied the Son of Man at the temple, in fulfillment of the promises made to the Fathers, give to the Father for his glory, the priests of his Son, O Ark of the Covenant.

O Mother of the Church, among the disciples in the Cenacle you prayed to the Spirit for the new People and their Shepherds, obtain for the Order of Presbyters the full measure of gifts, O Queen of the Apostles.

O Mother of Jesus Christ, you were with him from the beginning of his life and in his mission, you sought the Master among the crowd, you stood beside him when He was lifted up from the earth, consumed as the one eternal sacrifice, and you had John, your son, close by, accept from the beginning those who have been called protect their growth, in their life ministry accompany your sons, O Mother of Priests.


(Pope John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis, 82: l.c., 803-804).

Our Episcopal Advisor

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone giving a talk

Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone

Archbishop of San Francisco

Salvatore Cordileone was appointed the Archbishop of San Francisco on July 27, 2012, and was installed on October 4, 2012, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption.

Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., President (Harrisburg, PA) [BIO]

Msgr. Sal Pilato, Vice President (Los Angeles, CA)

Rev. Peter Pilsner, Secretary (New York, NY)

Rev. Marcos Gonzalez, Treasurer (Los Angeles, CA)

Rev. Shenan Boquet, HLI President (Front Royal, VA)

Msgr. Eugene Morris (St. Louis, MO)

Rev. Robert Spitzer, SJ, Magis Institute (Orange County, CA)

Rev. Sam Ward (Downey, CA)

Deacon Russ Swim (Peoria, IL)

Mr. Thomas McKenna, Executive Director (San Diego, CA)

Emeriti Board Members

Rev. Edward Krause, CSC, (Holy Cross)

Rev. Vincent Rigdon (Washington, DC)

Rev. Kenneth Brighenti (Metuchen, NJ)

Our Motto

Sanctitas. Fidelitas. Fraternitas

(Latin: Holiness, Fidelity, Fraternity)

Our Partner Organizations