Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

Sanctitas    Fidelitas     Fraternitas

Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

Sanctitas    Fidelitas   Fraternitas

NOTE: the Catholic Voting App is not available on on the app store for Apple, Google, or Android. To add it, the user must go to the link on their device and then add to home-screen.

Click the QR code or go to the Web Page LINK: and then follow instructions below.

The Confraternity’s Catholic Voting Guide assists Catholics in using a well-formed conscience when voting in the 2024 elections at every level: presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial. The topics addressed are these:

  • Authentic Moral Citizenship
  • Right to Life
  • Religious Liberty
  • Economy
  • Immigration

The Voting Guide also contains statements from the US Bishops on Conscience and from Cardinal Ratzinger on the Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion. It is an absolutely indispensable resources for conscientious voting.

Add the app to your Computer screen.

 (See instructions for mobile device below.)

Instructions for Adding App Via Mobile Device

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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Shepherds’ Voices

Bishops of Florida Urge All Catholics to Vote NO on Abortion Referendum

The Priesthood of Jesus Christ

Munus Docendi

St. Charles Borromeo


Munus Sanctificandi

St. Louis Marie de Montfort


Munus Pascendi

St. John Marie Vianney


CCC Highlights